Our Teachers

本中心教师队伍由来自中国师范院校毕业,具有多年本地教学经验的全职华文女教师组成。多年来,本中心坚持对老师进行严格挑选并给予训练之后才可上任。 她们语音标准,教书认真、尽责,教学方法生动有趣,具亲和力,深受家长、学生喜爱。同时也为本中心带来了家长较高的评价。

Our teaching staff comprises of a team of full time female teachers with years of invaluable experience in teaching the Chinese language in Singapore. Our teachers are degree holders in Education and have been registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore. We have always been very stringent in the selection process and we give year-round trainings to upgrade our teachers and familiarise them with the latest syllabus and curriculum.